Foods That Also Make Great Facial Masks

For many of us, getting to the spa for a facial on a regular basis is nearly impossible. It might be a fun treat that happens occasionally, but for the most part, a busy schedule means cramming in beauty treatments right before bed. When it comes to taking care of your skin, finding solutions that are good enough to eat are essential for knowing you’re using only the best ingredients, it’s your skin after all! Here’s a look at some DIY facial masks, made from good-for-you ingredients, including foods you’d actually eat.

Banana Facial Mask – Bananas are often referred to as “nature’s botox,” leaving your skin firm and glowing.


Cinnamon Facial Mask – Cinnamon is known for plumping the skin and helping to reduce fine lines.


Papaya Facial Mask – Papaya helps to keep skin hydrated and is a gentle, but effective exfoliator.


Avocado Facial Mask – Highly moisturizing, avocado will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.


Oat Facial Mask – Great for clearing clogged pores, oats are an excellent addition to your DIY facial masks.


What’s your favorite DIY facial treatment that incorporates ingredients you’d actually eat?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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