5 Ways to Make Instagram Part of Your Marketing Plan


You know I love social media and one of my favorite platforms is definitely Instagram! It’s a fun and beautiful way to tell the story of your life and share with friends, family, followers and even customers. More than anything, I think Instagram is an incredible asset for your business and should be a part of any good marketing plan. When it comes to sharing shots of products or people using your products, Instagram is an easy and sure win. Check out this list of 5 ways to make Instagram a part of your marketing plan.


5 Ways to Make Instagram Part of Your Marketing Plan

  1. It’s a super easy and fun way to promote your products and services. Use Instagram to take a creative and quirky approach to sharing your business.
  2. Take your customers behind-the-scenes. Use Instagram to show off an inside scoop of the inner workings of your business (people love this)!
  3. Turn your followers and customers into stars! Choose a follower each day and go ahead and give him or her a mention. People love to be mentioned by the companies they support!
  4. Host photo contests. Get your fans and customers to take photos of themselves using your products. They will love sharing their story and it’s free marketing for you!
  5. You can now take advantage of the new Instagram web profiles – it isn’t just a mobile app anymore!

Have you tried to incorporate Instagram into a marketing campaign? Were you successful?




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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