What is Detox Water And Why Should You Be Drinking It

From flushing the body of toxins to getting a natural jumpstart to the day, detox water can be used daily to stay on point or as part of a full body cleanse. Getting your body on track to rid itself of dependency on things like sugar and caffeine is tough, and drinking loads of water will definitely help flush the system. By adding a few simple ingredients to your plain water, you can transform that glass into a detoxifying recipe that will benefit your body in more ways than one (and, it tastes great too!). Here’s a look at a few simple detox water recipes.

Apples & Cinnamon

Looking for an all-over boost and a great kickstarter for your metabolism? Try Apple cinnamon detox water. Cinnamon is a great way to naturally cleanse organs, while also aiding in the metabolism of certain foods (like sugar!). And, apples are both delicious and have an alkalinity level that helps remove the toxins from a diet high in protein.


Watermelon & Cucumber

Want to filter out your liver and kidneys, helping to get rid of the ammonia formed as a by-product of proteins? Watermelon and cucumber, which both contain citrulline are just the fruits for the job. For an overall liver and kidney boost, try this detox water:


Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon

If digestion issues are the reasoning behind your desire to add detox water to your diet, look no further than apple cider vinegar detox water. Apple cider vinegar has long been known for its incredible detoxification properties – moving lymph fluid, aiding in digestion and removing toxins from the liver. Combine that with the antibacterial properties of lemon juice and some hydrating cucumbers and you have a detox water that can’t be beat.


What do you think? Now that you know a bit more about the benefits of detox water, do you think you’ll add these to your daily nutritional plan?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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