Women in Hollywood Who are Putting an End to Sexism

Lena Dunham

If you haven’t read the recent Variety magazine article about sexism in Hollywood, you’re missing out. In a world where sexism is so prevalent in the traditional workplace, it’s hard to imagine that it’s an issue on the sets and stages of a glamorous world like Hollywood. Here’s the thing: it is. Just like the standard corporate offices of businesses around the globe, sexism is an issue that doesn’t seem to be going away on its own. From the boardrooms of corporate America to Hollywood sets, it’s time women everywhere stand up and put an end to unfair treatment. It’s been a battle for years, it’s brushed under the rug – and you know what? Women in Hollywood have had enough. They’re speaking up – and it’s pretty great to hear their voices. In Variety’s recent article, How Women in Hollywood are Finally Taking a Stand Against Sexism, some of Hollywood’s deepest secrets are coming to light.

Lena Dunham
Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com

According to Variety Magazine, “In the late ’90s Ashley Judd says she was sexually harassed by a male executive at a Hollywood studio. “It took years before I could retrospectively evaluate that incident, and realize that there was something incredibly wrong and illegal about it.”

Just like the rest of the working world, women continually face an uphill battle. Whether its wage disparity, lack of opportunity or completely inappropriate propositions, sexism in the workplace is tough to prove, but even tougher to endure. From feeling frustrated to downright less than adequate, sexism has no place in the working world – Hollywood or anywhere else.

For years, women in Hollywood have quietly endured sexist work environments, wage disparity, lack of job opportunity both in front of and behind the camera, and other wrongful behavior. But 2015 has marked a turning point. Hardly a week goes by in which a prominent actress or director doesn’t make headlines by blasting Hollywood for treating women as second-class citizens. (Via Variety)

Emma Watson
Debby Wong / Shutterstock.com

From high-profile actors to those who are newer to the scene, raising awareness about inequality in the entertainment industry has become a movement rather than a single voice. Just like the corporate world, whether we’re talking salaries, opportunities or recognition, both men and women deserve equal treatment on all fronts.

According to Variety, “The movement among those working in entertainment counts among its members such high-profile individuals as Emma Watson (who launched the U.N.’s He for She campaign for gender equality), Meryl Streep (who created a fund for women screenwriters over the age of 40), Lena Dunham (who interviewed Clinton for her newsletter LennyLetter.com, and asked her whether she considers herself a feminist), Patricia Arquette (who used her Oscar speech to stump for wage equality) and Jessica Chastain (who spotlights issues of creative equity).”

As women in Hollywood continue to make waves toward changing the status quo, they’re inspiring to the rest of women in the working world. To get the full picture, check out Variety’s complete article, here. Have you ever had to deal with sexism in the workplace?



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