Khloe Kardashian Shares Tips on Getting a Flat Tummy

Khloe Kardashian Shares Tips on Getting a Flat Tummy

Khloe Kardashian has been working so hard to be fit and I’m so proud of her. Not only does she look good, but I’ve noticed all the interviews where she admits how good she feels now. On a recent post on her official website, Khloe shared her top tips to getting a flat stomach. And I can’t think of a better time for her to share this information since it’s summer and we’ll all be wearing less clothing both on the beach and off. So how does Khloe keep bloat at bay?

“There’s nothing more frustrating than having all your fitness and diet efforts sabotaged by BLOAT,” Kardashian said. “Those baby abs will never see the light of day if they’re hidden behind water retention, honey!”

So if you’re serious about looking good in your summer gear, here’s what helped Khloe get swimsuit ready.

Khloe Kardashian Shares Tips for a Flat Tummy
  1. Avocado is your friend- Yes, guac might be extra but it’s so worth it! Since avocados are full of potassium, they help us release water. Khloe notes that they’re also “high in soluble fiber and healthy fats, which help us feel fuller on smaller portions.” That means that you’ll take in less calories, for a win-win situation.
  2. Ginger- You can enjoy ginger with more than just sushi! Known as carminatives, ginger helps to soothe the digestive tract and relieve gas. Khloe adds, “Ginger is also known for being a powerful antibacterial AND anti-inflammatory food—in other words, all-around goodness for your gut.”
  3. Watermelon- Khloe says, to “regulate salt levels and flush out excess water,” eat some juicy watermelon. Of course, you can cut one up fresh and enjoy or you can add it to salads or smoothies. Delicious, nutritious and so versatile!
  4. Oats- Eating oats is one of the best gifts you can give to your body because they’re the healthiest grains on earth. They have much needed vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Khloe adds, “Oats balance the bacteria in your gut,” Kardashian says. “This is known as a prebiotic effect, which improves your digestive system and works wonders to reduce bloat.”
  5. Heart-healthy tomatoes- Last, but certainly not least, Khloe ended her list with tomatoes. “Tomatoes are packed with the antioxidant lycopene, which is known to have extremely effective anti-inflammatory and de-bloating effects,” she said.

For even more of Khloe’s fitness tips, visit her site. What do you think of Khloe’s tips? Share with me in the comments!



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