Spring Cleaning: The Best Tips for Overhauling Your Life

The Path to a New You: MAWC 2017

I don’t know about you, but come spring, there’s something that lights up within me urging me to get rid of whatever no longer serves me. Sometimes it’s as simple as getting rid of the crap piling up in a junk drawer or the unworn items in my closet. Other times, it goes deeper, with the need to overhaul relationships and life patterns. Honestly – if you are in need of a full-on spring cleaning, embrace it. It’s one of the most refreshing things you can do for yourself. Toxic friends? Toss ‘em. Old lipstick? Toss it. Stale relationships? Yep, done. Dead-end goals? Toss those, too. The point is to trust that your instincts are spot on. If you’ve been thinking about a change, chances are it’s overdue. So stop procrastinating and take some action. You’ll be more relieved than you could have imagined. Ahead, I’ve rounded up some of the best advice we’ve given here on Loren’s World with some of the must useful tips and inspirational topics. I hope you’ll put them to good use and start overhauling your life. After all, spring is here and it’s time for a change. xo


Spring Cleaning: The Best Tips for Overhauling Your Life

4 People You Don’t Need in Your Life: Start with getting rid of the people who drag you down and make you feel bad about yourself. Seriously.

Toss Your Toxic Friends: A toxic friendship is destructive and poisonous. Get rid of it. Fast.

Build Your Life: Once you’ve gotten everything clear and sorted with your personal life, rebuild it as you want. Set goals, stick with them, and surround yourself with people who will support you.

Toss Your Makeup: Of course, once you’ve got your life sorted out, give some love to yourself. Respect yourself enough to use only the right things on your skin. Toss your old skincare and makeup and start fresh.

Clean Your Brushes: Don’t forget to clean up what you use to apply your favorite makeup, too.

Organize Your Space: Bring peace and harmony to the way you live your life. It will make you feel happier and lighter.

Organize Your Wardrobe: Keep only things that will make you feel your absolute best. Donate, sell or recycle the others.

Clear Your Mind: After all is said and done, clear your mind and refocus. A little quiet meditation can go a very long way in helping you gain perspective.

How are you clearing the clutter this year?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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