Is Bottled Water Actually Better?

Should I really be drinking bottled water? Is it actually better than water out of the tap? These are questions many of us have asked ourselves, yet time and time again, we reach for the bottled water. We insist it tastes better, is more pure and even better for you. But is it? Here’s a look at bottled water vs. tap – and the benefits and downfalls of both.

Bottled water tastes better.

This one may actually hold some serious truth – depending on where you live and where your local municipal water source is. Pure bottled water that’s distilled means all the salt and minerals that could affect the water’s taste have been removed, leaving behind water that tastes extremely pure. Tap water is often treated with chlorine, giving it a more distinct (sometimes off) flavor.

It’s better for you than water from the tap.

Without a doubt, the marketing behind most bottled water makes any consumer feel the heat from the tap. Marketers have convinced us that bottled water is special – coming from places deep within the earth or from exotic water falls, but really much of it comes from similar sources to our taps – and bottled water companies than take that water and filter it. Some companies even add minerals and other nutritional supplements. That can be a pretty good thing – there’s no doubt – but if you’re cool with plain old water, the tap will work just fine.

Bottled water has more health benefits than regular water from the tap.

While the marketers are at it again with this one, most water that has added vitamins and minerals contain pretty trace amounts – not really enough to make a nutritional difference in your diet. Be careful of enhanced waters that boast flavors – they often have added sweetener and calories that pure water does not contain. In some municipalities, tap water does offer the added benefit of fluoride.

Using all those plastic water bottles is no biggie – just recycle!

Here’s where hitting the tap may really be your best bet. While recycling really is an excellent option, making and maintaining the bottle supply for bottled water gives our environment a real hit. From developing and producing all those bottles, to the sad truth that a huge percentage of them do not end up getting recycled – using a glass to drink water from the tap is looking better and better.

What do you think? Are you a bottled water or tap drinker?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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