Why You Need to Start Setting Your 2019 Goals Now

2019 goals

It’s never a bad idea to get a head start on your new year goals. Take some time now to reflect on what you’re happy about from 2018 and what you’d like to improve upon in 2019. Start setting your 2019 goals now so that you start the year strong.

Why You Need to Start Setting Your 2019 Goals Now

2019 goals

Reset and Refocus

After an (almost) entire year has passed, there’s a lot of reflecting to be done. Once you set aside some time to reflect, it’s time to hit the reset button on what didn’t work and refocus on your mind on success in the new year. What better way to do that than getting a head start on everyone else? You can launch into a brand new year with your goals and intentions set and start January 1st off on a high note.

Dream Bigger

You have an extra two months to develop even bigger dreams and plans for the year ahead if you get started now. So, let yourself dream a little bigger. Think about what you could accomplish if there were no obstacles?

Make Your Goals Manageable

If you work through the kinks now, you can hit the ground running when the new year gets here, instead of taking the first couple of weeks to reflect on 2018 and figure out what you want to do. Before you know it, it will be February, and you could have already achieved some significant milestones in January. Make your 2019 goals manageable by prioritizing spending time on them in 2018. Make detailed lists on how you can achieve your dreams, down to the nitty-gritty. Break each goal down into smaller sub-goals until they are as small as they can be. Then start chipping away at the smaller ones. Accomplish as many of the smaller ones as you can, and soon enough you’ll find that you have accomplished some of the bigger ones without even realizing it.

Are you planning ahead for 2019 and setting your new year goals now? Tweet me the most important goal you want to achieve in the new year @lorenridinger.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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