How to Re-Train Your Brain to Get What You Want in 60 Days

get what you want

We’re conditioned from early childhood by our life experiences and the words we hear from the adults we grow up around. To some extent, we’re brainwashed to believe getting a 9-5 job working for someone else is the only way to make money. The recent recession proved this theory incorrect and acted as the catalyst for the evolution of a new breed of entrepreneur. It’s time to re-train your brain to get what you want.

How to Re-Train Your Brain to Get What You Want in 60 Days

get what you want

#1. Seek guidance selectively.

Stop asking advice from people whom you wouldn’t want to trade places with. There are many wise people out there, but their specific experience and wisdom may not align with your goals. So, how can they give you relevant, insightful advice? Only follow people who have walked your path.

#2. Identify your ‘why.’

To get to where you want to be, you have to know why you want to get there. The entrepreneurial road is rarely quick or easy; knowing your ‘why’ gives you the determination to keep going and never to give up.

#3. Manifest.

Live and breathe your goals. Visualize, meditate and manifest what you want. When you focus intently on what you want every day, you send out energy waves, and the universe conspires to make it happen. You’ll start noticing the right people and opportunities appearing that will act as stepping-stones towards helping you achieve your goals.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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