How to Engage Your Followers in New Ways

How to Engage Your Followers in New Ways, engage, social media, media, communication

No matter what social media platforms you participate in, you probably find yourself looking for new ways to engage your followers and connections. It’s amazing how content ebbs and flows – you’ll post something one day, and the engagement, likes, and stats will be through the roof. Then, you’ll post something another day and engagement will be down, you won’t get a high number of likes, and you’ll be confused by why it’s all over the map.

How to Engage Your Followers in New Ways

The important thing is that you continue to find creative ways to engage with your followers. Sometimes it gets tough, you’re trying to think outside of the box, but you get stuck in that rut of content.  Here’s the thing: keeping it fresh is essential and approaching content in a way that’s timely, approachable and engaging is a must for keeping your followers on board. If you’re looking for ways to shake things off, good for you! Keep reading to learn how to engage your followers in new ways.

How to Engage Your Followers in New Ways, engage, social media, media, communication

Use graphics to incorporate calls to action (CTA’s). This is great for getting your message across in some fun and unique ways. Rather than always incorporating your CTA’s in the text of your posts, think about how you can make them more engaging by being part of a fun or cool graphic. Let’s say you want your followers to like an Instagram post. Try adding something to an image of your morning cup of coffee like, “Double Tap if you love coffee as much as I do!”

Think strategically about hashtags. Hashtags are the name of the game these days because there’s SO much content out there. They work seamlessly to help sort content for readers, followers, etc. and they’re the best way to find relevant content. Let’s say you love cupcakes and your looking through the #cupcake feed on Twitter. Chances are, you’re going to find all sorts of people and businesses who are interested in cupcakes just like you. When you’re posting your content, think about what it relates to and what types of followers you’d like to attract. If you love fitness and most of your content is related to that, leveraging healthy lifestyle hashtags is probably the way to go. Make sense?

Let’s say you’re using Instagram to promote your blog, but there’s no way to link to it in the post. Add a bitly (shortened link) to your profile and direct your followers to click that link for more. One great way to do this is to post the content and at the end say: {link in profile} or “Click the link in my profile to read more” – that’s a great engaging action step that your followers can take to more deeply explore your content.

What do you think? Are these three steps that you could easily incorporate into your content plan to start engaging with new followers and with your current followers in new ways?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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