When You’re Feeling Stressed, Tired and Burned-Out

Get through the checklist. Pick up the kids. Reply to your
boss. Make dinner.

Sound familiar? We can’t possibly do it all every day—and
with a smile on our face, nonetheless! Today, let’s promise ourselves to take a
breather. After all, we can’t expect our bodies to be good to us if we’re not
being good to it by giving it a break.

Close your eyes. Sit up tall. Relax your muscles: the neck,
your toes, your shoulders. Let your arms dangle. And take a deep breath. Then

(Hopefully, you’ve opened your eyes by now.)

When was the last time you slowed down? I bet most of you
can’t remember. And being in bed due to an awful flu doesn’t count. Your body
was forcing you to rest. No bueno. I’m talking about the time you take to
stretch before everyone in the house wakes up. Or that bike ride you go for. Or
the evening yoga class you take. Or even just the time you sit on the floor,
cross your legs and breath.

Taking time every day to slow down is necessary for your
health, your productivity level and your creativity. Consider it an investment.
The more often you allow yourself to regenerate and refuel the more efficient
and alert you will be. And when you’re on top of your game, you’re producing at
a higher and more effective rate.

Or you can not take my advice, and instead burn-out. Let’s
say you develop an awful shoulder pain due to being highly stressed. Now you’ll
have to go to the doctor; wait in the waiting room; listen to his advice; go to
physical therapy; and the list goes on. Look at all that time you wasted. What
if you would have just taken care of yourself with daily mediation, exercise,
and any other release that works for you? Preventing an injury is a better way
to spend your time rather than having to spend the time healing. Think about

So today, find some time for yourself. Don’t wake up in the
morning and jump on your email. Instead, do something you enjoy: a walk, a yoga
class, reading an inspiring blog. Start and end your day with something pleasant.
Even if it means waking up at 5 a.m. to get a yoga class in, do it. You deserve
(and need!) it.





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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