15 Things That Truly Matter

Sometimes we have to stop and take stock of the things that truly matter. It’s easy to get lost in the daily grind and let in things that are really only “fluff.” Those people who tell you you’re not going to accomplish anything? They don’t matter. The things that take your time away from your goals? Those don’t either. What really matters? Deep down, you already know. But here’s a list of some of the things I find important beyond anything else.

15 Things That Truly Matter

#1. Family. Always. First and foremost.

#2. Being healthy.

#3. Being true to yourself.

#4. Being true to your dreams. Those passions that keep nagging at you are nagging for a reason.

#5. Being kind. To others. To yourself. To those you meet on the street.

#6. Helping someone in their time of need. If you can, you should.

#7. Having someone to look up to. A mentor is a blessing and crucial for growth.

#8. Having someone look up to you. Lead by example. You never know who’s watching.

#9. Having a new goal to strive for. Don’t stop. Never stop. Reaching keeps you going.

#10. Forgiving someone for the apology you never got.

#11. Letting go of anger. It will only weigh you down.

#12. Letting go of resentment. It will only weigh your soul down.

#13. Living a life of joy, not fear.

#14. Praying every day.

#15. Loving someone deeply and unconditionally. And learning how to be loved in return.

What are the things that truly matter to you? I’d love to hear them. xo



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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