8 Things To Get Started On In The New Year

Well, it’s official. 2015 is actually here – can you believe it? With the holidays flying by and the New Year here to stay, it’s time to hit the ground running to make 2015 the best one yet. With that winter wind blowing, it might feel like an extra challenge to kick start those resolutions, but there’s really nothing better than putting your mind to a healthy and happy fresh start. From getting organized to making your health your priority, there are loads of goals on the list this year – so how and when do you get it all started? Honestly – there’s no time like the present. If you’re ready to go, here’s a look at a few things to get started on in the New Year.

Enjoy some time off. Seriously. There’s nothing better than getting started on your best self by first taking a few days to relax. Enjoy the weekend and make a commitment to truly giving yourself some time to unwind and unplug every week.

Clear the clutter. Want to get started on the right foot? Cleaning out your closet and cabinets is a great place to start. Have a home office that’s loaded with paper work? Take a shredder to that mess and start 2015 with a clean slate. Donate old clothes and shoes that you no longer wear and even give the refrigerator a good clean out. Nothing feels better than clearing the clutter.

Give your tech a good clutter-clearing too. Got loads of photos, videos, emails and text messages clogging up your computer and your mobile devices? Nothing says starting the New Year right like feeling good about the state of your tech. No more overwhelming inbox or pop up messages telling you you’re out of storage space. Don’t put it off any longer, just get it done.

Take down the holiday décor. So sad, right? It might feel like a bummer while you’re doing it, but once it’s all down and your home is back to its normal state, it will feel so good.

Make saying thank you a priority. Even though the holidays have come and gone, nothing makes people feel more loved than when you go out of your way to thank them. How about dropping a few thank you notes in the mail to let your loved ones know just how much you appreciated their holiday gifts?

Put pen to paper and write down those resolutions. Call them resolutions or goals – whichever word works best for you – regardless, writing them down is often the key to making them happen. Make that list and then hang it somewhere you’ll see it every day – like above your desk or on the fridge – for a good reminder to get after it.

Find a good book. Getting the year started with a good book to read can mean the difference between falling asleep to the TV each night or falling asleep to a good read. When you have that good book at your fingertips – you know you’ll read it!

Fill your fridge and your cupboards with healthy foods to start the New Year right. Sometimes having those healthy options on hand is all you need to jumpstart your eating habits on the right path.

What will you get started on in the New Year?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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