Start Designing Your Life by Loren Ridinger

Loren Ridinger: Start Designing Your Life

I don’t know about you, but the end of summer and start of fall always brings about feelings of sadness for me – I don’t want summer to end – but at the same time, I am excited by the start of something new. There’s a sense of starting over each fall or at least having the opportunity to set some new goals, reset your outlook and really buckle down on work and other projects. No matter what it is you have your sights set on, fall is a time to kick start and get moving.

So how about it? Why not use this time to start thinking about exactly what you want and how you’re going to get there. Why not reframe your goals and set up an action plan for yourself? Now is the time – your chance to start designing the life you want. Not sure how to get started? Here are a few ideas to help you ring in fall with a renewed sense of energy and an action plan for achieving your goals.

Loren Ridinger: Breakdowns to Breakthroughs | MAIC 2016

Start Designing Your Life by Loren Ridinger

Think about it in steps. There’s no doubt that looking at the big picture – strictly thinking long-term is incredibly overwhelming. So let’s think about this in small, attainable chunks. Coming up with an action plan just for the fall will help you make those strides toward your ultimate destination, but in a doable form. Think about jotting down five goals that you know you have the wherewithal to achieve by the end of the year – keep it reasonable and doable! That’s exactly how you’re going to get there. When winter starts to roll around, you’ll reassess and do the same thing to get you through the next season. See how easy that is?

Do not shy away from working hard and sometimes making a sacrifice here and there. Let’s say your ultimate goal is to purchase your own home in your favorite neighborhood, but in the meantime you have to save enough money for a down payment. You’ll set that first doable goal, which will be a percentage of what you ultimately need. But, in order to get there – you just may have to give a few things up. Like maybe you don’t go out Friday & Saturday nights, but you cook at home one weekend night. Or perhaps, you have to reel your shopping habit in just a bit. Whatever those sacrifices may be, just remember this: It’s worth it.

Think about someone who you admire and model your next steps after his or her best strengths. Let’s say your goal is to get to that next level at work – you want a promotion and all the perks that come with that. You know you can do it, but there are a few things you have to accomplish and learn before you can get there. Pick someone who has worked their way up the ladder – someone you admire- and ask him or her for some advice. Explain what your goals are and see if he or she is willing to help you map out an action plan or give you some advice on what you need to do to get there.

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There’s nothing as empowering as knowing you are able to shape your own life. With a bit of foresight and some strategic goals in mind, you can set your own destiny – you’re in control! So what do you think? Can you use some of these tactics to start designing your life?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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