Social Media Basics: Making the Most of LinkedIn Groups

Social Media Basics: Making the Most of LinkedIn Groups

It’s no surprise that that over the last few years social media has become a main source of both promotion and customer service for business. For the most part, many of us have mastered making Facebook and Instagram part of our day-to-day, but what about LinkedIn? While you might be comfortable using LinkedIn for general networking purposes, have you ever tried checking out LinkedIn groups? Groups are an easy and effective way to make connections in a smaller setting that’s focused on personal interests like alumni associations, types of business, industry sectors etc. When it comes to building a brand and growing a business, groups are one of the best places to get some great visibility and build a community. If that seems out of your comfort zone – no worries! Here are a few tips to get you started:

Social Media Basics: Making the Most of LinkedIn Groups
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Making the Most of LinkedIn Groups

Have a solid understanding of who your customers and clients are – that means being in tune with your brand. When you start using LinkedIn groups, knowing who your clients are is the name of the game – it will help guide your process as you set out to join some groups. By having a solid understanding of who your target audience is, you have already taken the first steps to getting the most you can out of LinkedIn – and joining groups that are focused on that target population is your next move.

But, also be sure to explore a wide variety of groups. Think about your personal network – it’s certainly not made up of only one type of individual or professional, right? You probably have a pretty diverse community that includes fellow alums, friends, neighborhood connections, business contacts etc. Thinking outside the box in terms of who you can reach out to will expand the amount and (types) of groups you’ll join.

Listen to the conversations happening in the groups. Once you identify a handful of groups you’d like to join, take a look at what’s being discussed. You don’t have to speak up right away – LinkedIn is a great listening tool for simply getting a better understanding of the marketplace, what people want and what clients are looking for. Scroll through the conversations and just check out some of the comments to get a feel for the temperature and nature of discussions for that particular group.

Once you’re fully committed and ready to join, go ahead and introduce yourself. This is a networking site, after all. Let the group know who you are, what type of business you’re in and what you’re hoping to get out of participation in the group. You’ll be on your way to more connections before you know it. When you’re comfortable, go ahead and speak up. Comment during discussions of interest and ask questions when you want to strike up a conversation – don’t be shy!

Feel free to start your own group. If you have a selection of connections, clients or customers who might be interested in forming a group to focus on your business, industry or product – go for it. Taking the initiative to start a group means you have the ability to tailor the subject matter to exactly your preferences. Once you get it going, don’t forget to invite people to join!

Have you tried using LinkedIn groups to grow your business? Got any tips to share?



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