Quality Time: Slay the Holiday Hustle & Bustle

quality time holidays

Amidst the hustle & bustle this holiday season, don’t forget to slow down and spend some well-earned quality time with your loved ones.

I love the holidays – this is the only time of year I make a conscious effort to shut down my computer for a day or two and immerse myself in reminding myself how thankful and blessed I am for my wonderful family and friends.

Get into the spirit of being mindful this holiday season to make time to recuperate and create priceless memories with your loved ones. Know when to say no to parties, and plan some fun activities with your loved ones to reconnect and strengthen relationships.

Quality Time: Slay the Holiday Hustle & Bustle

quality time holidays

Here are some top tips on how to relax and slow down:


Take 20 minutes out of the day to follow a yoga or meditation class online at home.

Find silence.

Take 10 minutes daily to sit in absolute silence. Why not start the day with your coffee in the morning sun, or simply spend time with your thoughts in nature? Such a positive way to start the day.


Train yourself to slow down your heartbeat by breathing in through your nose and exhaling out of your mouth slowly. Repeat 10 times and trust me, you will feel SO much calmer!

Take regular mini-breaks.

Your eyes and brain need regular breaks from intense concentration and work in general. Take regular mini-breaks every couple of hours. Close your eyes and count backward from 20 to give your eyes a rest, while you restore circulation and brain power.

Stretch it out.

If you’re hunching over your computer or feel stressed, stop! Take time to stretch your back and neck to feel rejuvenated.

Now that you’re relaxed and feeling calmer, it’s time to look at some inspiring ways to spend time with your loved ones.

Make a date with your family.

Plan a day trip to the zoo, park or even a fun museum.

Bake it.

My grandkids love to get creative in the kitchen. Why not make some fun treats with them, like Christmas cookies or cupcakes?

Have a movie night.

Get the whole family together and watch a new family-appropriate movie together or have a movie marathon of your favorite holiday movies. With popcorn and other treats of course.

Go forest bathing!

Taking a walk in nature is a great way to spend time together while the kids let off some steam. This is one of my favorite ways to spend quality time with the whole family.

Decorate the tree!

This is one of my absolute favorite things to do every year with the grandkids. I love putting up Christmas lights as well – that’s when it truly starts feeling like the holidays.

Visit Santa’s Grotto.

Another one for the grandkids, but it’s always fun for us adults too seeing their adorable excited faces light up when they see Santa.

Get creative.

Make mason jar snow globes – best one wins!

If the thought alone of the holidays is stressing you out, our Bliss™ Anti-Stress Formula is back in stock!

Discover my top ways to slay being the perfect stress-free host this Thanksgiving here. Haven’t decided on your Thanksgiving dessert yet? Check out these 3 foolproof formulas here.

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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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