Creative Fields To Get Into

If you’re the creative type who longs to turn your passion into a career, even though making the switch may seem like a big risk and even daunting, trust me, it’s definitely doable! If you’re afraid you’ll wind back up where you are now – working a corporate job between the walls of a cubicle being held to corporate standards. Take a deep breath and keep reading. Between start-ups and agencies, artist co-ops and freelance work you can find the perfect creative field to get into. Take a look at these career choices for making the switch that will allow your creative spirit to soar.

Interior Designer. Got an eye for making things fit perfectly into a space? You help people select items to develop spaces that work both aesthetically and functionally. You’re also putting your problem solving skills to the test – with space and design challenges.

Video game designer. Between planning and imagining the next greatest video games out there, designing and developing is also an option.

Marketing Manager. With your business acumen and your creative spirit combined, leading a marketing team might be the perfect role for you – and the opportunities are pretty endless.

Makeup Artist. Sounds like a pipe dream, right? No way! Lots of people have incredible careers as makeup artists working independently, on movie or TV sets, with traveling productions like Broadway musicals and even the circus!

Actor. Taking your drama skills to the next level may work out perfectly if you can land a role as an actor. From small local productions to commercials, television and even the big screen – you’re creativity will be put to the test when you make the jump to acting.

Sound Engineer. How about being responsible for making concerts and high-level productions sound their absolute best? Blending technical skills with your well-developed ear, this role is ideal for a music lover.

Graphic Designer. Got a thing for making layouts and publications looking great? This job gives you the chance to use images to communicate a message.

Chef. Probably one of the most creative roles out there often with limitless potential to keep things new and fresh. From working for a large restaurant group to running your own small shop, being a chef could be your dream come true.

Copy Writer. Is witty, engaging copy your thing? Consider a role as a copy writer. Whether you’re working in an agency setting or offering freelance project services, a career as a writer has limitless creative potential.

Music Teacher. Thinking about taking your musical skills from a hobby to a career can feel pretty overwhelming, but what about starting small-scale by offering instrument lessons or considering working as a music teacher?

What about you? Will one of these creative fields be your next career move?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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