How to Get Your First 4000 Blog Subscribers

Contrary to old marketing myths that you have to update your blog 15-30 times per week, building thousands of blog subscribers comes down to traffic, conversions, and referrals. You have to position yourself as an expert in your niche field, then go forth and prove your worth to your target audience.

How to Get Your First 4000 Blog Subscribers
1. Shape your brand.

Shape how you want your target audience to perceive your services. Create a short sentence about what you want to be known for in your industry. Use this sentence in your tag line, print it in all PR and promotional materials, and say it every time you collaborate on a video or podcast project. You are shaping how consumers see your brand and your services.
Ask yourself what your ideal subscribers want and what problem are you solving for them, and how? Answering these questions will help you write your sentence.

2. Become an expert.

To build trust in your services and make more sales, you need to prove your knowledge and skills. Reach out to relevant blog owners, publications, and podcasts offering to guest blog for them or be interviewed on your niche topic. The more people and publications that are reinforcing your brand message, the more consumers will trust you and potentially buy from you.

3. Target your audience.

Get to know your target audience and learn to speak their language. Write blogs that directly call out and speak to your ideal consumer. Create a weekly or monthly newsletter bursting with beneficial information your subscribers will be happy to receive. Add a Q&A aspect to your emails, asking people what they’re struggling with that you can help them overcome. This little trick gives you lots of blog content ideas to play with that directly targets your market.

4. Target editors.

When you start building relationships with editors of relevant publications you’d like to be featured in, target them by offering their readers special offers or free information. The more benefits you are offering their readers, the more likely editors are to publish a feature about your services.

How have you increased your blog subscribers? Tweet me @lorenridinger.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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