Bartering in Business

You know that time when you’re starting a new business and you need so many things (a new website, marketing help, written materials), but have very little money in the bank? Being stuck in that place is enough to discourage even the most ambitious businessman. This morning, I woke up thinking about the many times in the past when JR and I had so many ideas to make our business flourish but very few tools to make it happen. I know a lot of you are in that place right now, so I’d like to offer you a little advice: barter.

 We’ve been raised to think that money is the only form of currency. But haven’t you ever heard those stories about your great grandfathers trading tomatoes for strawberries? You should always consider your skills or your products as currency. Let’s say you’re looking to start your own public relations firm, and you really need a website but don’t have the budget for it. Look for a web designer who might be willing to trade his/her time for your PR skills. Beyond business, it can be something you consider a luxury. Maybe there’s Pilates studio you really love, but $300 a month is just not in your budget. How about offering the owner to manage their company’s Facebook page, Twitter, and blog in exchange for free classes? You’d be surprise. They’ll probably take you up on your offer!

What is it that you really need right now but can’t afford? What are your skills? Can you offer another business your skills in exchange for theirs? Think about it. When we’re going through a slow patch it’s important to be creative. Remember, your time and skills are valuable and are their own currency. Use what you got!





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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