Even considering becoming a first-time business owner can be stressful. Maybe you lost your job, can’t find one that fits your needs or you see an opening in the market that you are passionate about. As a successful entrepreneur for over 20 years I can tell you that yes, this lifestyle can be difficult and yes, the journey is filled with unplanned detours but it is also the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done, next to becoming a mother. And owning your own business isn’t all that different – your job is never done š I get asked often for advice from new entrepreneurs via email and on Twitter so here are my top ten tips, all in one place.
10 Tips for New Entrepreneurs from Loren Ridinger
- Be all in. Just do it. You can’t have one foot out the door and expect to make it to the top.
- You don’t know what you don’t know, so find someone who does know and set up a meeting.
- Being fancy shouldn’t come first.Ā My family and I worked out of our small home for years – the garage was the stock room, the living room was shipping, etc.
- Be honest with yourself. There’s a difference between knowing when you just have to keep pushing for a little bit longer and knowing when something just isn’t working.
- Be organized. Don’t let something completely avoidable like lost paperwork get in the way of your success.
- Tackle the hardest things on your to-do list first. I still do this – every single day.
- Remove the naysayers from your life. Probably one of the most difficult tips, especially if they are a family member. But you can’t live your life for someone else who is only trying to bring you down! When people tell me “no” I know I’m talking to the wrong person and move on to the next!
- Know when you need a break. Owning a business is not a 9 to 5 but you don’t need to work yourself into the hospital for exhaustion in order to make it. Keeping yourself healthy = keeping yourself productive.
- Realize that you will simply need to learn things on the job and from personal experience.
- When you fail (it happens to everyone), get up and try again.