Why Winter Is the Best Time for Skin Treatments

skin treatments

Cooler temperatures and less sun exposure make winter the ideal time of year to try skin treatments. Laser procedures and chemical peels can leave skin sensitive and in need of a little TLC for a few days post treatment for best results, which requires no sun or heat to give your skin time to heal.

Why Winter Is the Best Time for Skin Treatments
Chemical Peels

If you’ve never booked in for a chemical peel, glycolic peels are a great place to start. Gentle and safe, they leave skin more radiant with a healthy glow. For better results, salicylic acid peels are a more powerful option for tackling oily or skin conditions such as acne.

Laser Treatments

Laser procedures can require more downtime, so winter is the ideal time to recover while spending less time outdoors. Speak to your dermatologist about your main skin complaints to identify the most effective laser therapies for your skin type.

What’s your favorite winter skin treatment? Tweet me @lorenridinger.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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